Jaeden | Golden Newborn Photographer | Denver Colorado

Must be something in the water, but I have photographed nothing but new baby boys for the last two weeks.  And I love it.  Here is Jaeden at just 8 days old.  What a handsome little guy…I use the word “little” loosely.  I work with his Daddy, Eric.  I had to contain my excitement when I was asked if I wanted to take their newborn pictures.  His mama is Katia.  And man did she work hard bringing him into this world.  But he is finally here…all 9 pounds 2 ounces of him!   And his skin and his lips….oh my gosh perfect.  A photographer’s dream.  I was a little afraid that he wasn’t going to sleep…so we got a few awake pictures first.  And then he fell fast asleep.  I have to admit, I even impressed myself.  How come I can’t get my own kids to sleep??

Golden Newborn Photographer | Denver Colorado

Golden Newborn Photographer | Denver Colorado

Golden Newborn Photographer | Denver Colorado

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