I believe in celebrating the first days of a new family. It makes me relish in the moment where the newness of a tiny person will only be there for what seems like nanoseconds in the long run.
I am a wife and a mama to two precious little girls, three dogs, and two cats…sometimes, I feel like that family on “We bought a Zoo.”
I believe in tradition, but not in the traditional sense. I make homemade warm chocolate pudding on cold days because it was one of my most favorite things my mom used to make us when I was little.
I do not drink coffee, but I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn’t believe. The sweeter the better. I have been known to drive across town to get tiramisu. It has to be the best. In fact, when I was pregnant, this was a weekly trip.
Margaritas are my drink of choice although I would fit in well in the South. I love my sweet tea and southern food. Mmmm.
I buy butter nearly every time I go to the store…it is just something I never want to run out of, so I stockpile it in my freezer. My husband tells me I have a problem, but I think I am just being thrifty taking advantage of those sale prices.
I love school supply shopping. And no…I am not in school. I cannot wait to take my girls school supply shopping and show them the joy of new pens and notebooks.
I am sentimental, and shy, but love people.
I look forward to meeting you and your new little one soon!