Newborn Baby Eli | Golden Newborn Photographer | Denver Colorado

This is little Eli.  Just a little peanut and born week late, just before Christmas…only 5 pounds 8 oz at birth.  And boy is this little guy going to have a good birth story when he grows up.  He was supposed to be a girl!  That’s right.  The ultrasound technician was wrong!  What a shocker when he came out a boy!!  Can you imagine?  I can’t.  I think I might have cried out of feeling so unprepared.  I’m a planner.  With my own girls, I found out the gender as early as a possibly could…as in, as soon as I could make an appointment at one of those 3D places, I did…because how could someone wait 5 more weeks for the doctor’s office to tell you?  I know.  A little ridiculous…but I just needed to know!  Needless to say, Eli’s room will be need to be repainted.  But his Mommy and Daddy are thrilled to have a son…it just took a little getting used to.  And he was just a doll.

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