Myles | 1-Year Photos | Denver Baby Photographer

Oh how quickly one year passes by.  I can’t believe it’s been that long since I photographed this sweet little boy for his newborn photos.  I just adore getting to watch my newborn clients grow.  They change so much.

Here are a few from Myle’s one-year session with his Mommy and Daddy.  He would not leave his tongue in his mouth.  He had a fat lip from a fall earlier in the day and apparently he felt as though his tongue just wouldn’t fit.  But isn’t it just the cutest?

Denver Baby Photographer Red WagonDenver Baby and Family PhotographerDenver Baby Photographer Red Wagon and PuppyDenver Baby Photographer Red Wagon and PuppyDenver Baby Photographer Plaid HatDenver Baby Photographer Mommy and Baby Boy

Baby M | Denver Newborn Photographer | Golden, CO

After the mad rush this fall for family photos, I’m finally going to try to catch up on some blogging.  Here is baby M.  He was born back in October at 8 pounds, 14 ounces.  What’s even cooler?  I was there to document his birth (though for privacy reasons, those images are private).  His parents didn’t know if he was a boy or a girl which made the whole experience that much more exciting.  As if bringing a baby into this world isn’t exciting enough.  And his size?  Holy moly.  His Mama did not look like she had nearly a 9 pound little boy in there, but when he was born, the NICU nurse guessed he was closer to 10 pounds.  He was such a big guy.

Fun little fact about Baby M:  He had no name until he was about 9 days old.  His parents just couldn’t decide, and baby naming is serious business, so they took their time.  Again, the name is private, but I assure you, it is precious and fits him perfectly.

Here are a few from his newborn session.  It just so happens that he had a cousin who was born 4 days before him.  So at the request of their Mama’s we snapped one of the two of them.  I will never deny photographing two sweet babies.

And the antique cradle Baby M is snoozing away in was his Mama’s.  And his Grandma’s.  And lots of kiddos in between.  I just love that we were able to photograph him in it as well.

Baby Boy Pumpkin Hat DenverNewborn Twin Photographer DenverButton Hat Newborn Denver PhotographerAntique Cradle Denver Newborn PhotographerAntique Cradle Denver Newborn PhotographerAntique Cradle Denver Newborn Photographer


F Family | Denver Family Photography | Golden, CO

Danielle and I have been friends since she befriended me when I was the new girl in 7th grade.  By the way, it is brutal to be the new girl in 7th grade…don’t do that to your kids.  We lived down the street until I moved away for college.  And just a couple years later, she moved just 15 minutes from me here in Golden.  We should really make it a point to get together more often given her proximity.  Oh life…please slow down.  But when we do get together, we just pick up where we left off.

Here are way too many photos from her family session not too long ago.  I couldn’t decide.  Amazing light.  Gorgeous family.  Enjoy!

Denver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CODenver Family Photographer | Golden, CO



T Family | Denver Baby and Family Photography | Golden, CO

This was a quick little engagement session with some babies in the mix.   Becca wanted just a few of her and her hubby-to-be…but how could we not take some of the kiddos too!

I absolutely adore their style.  If I could have dressed them, this is exactly what I would have picked out.  Love love love.  And this Mama loves her some black and white images, so in honor of her, here are some black and whites from their session this summer.

Denver Family Photographer Mom and DadDenver Baby and Family PhotographerDenver Children